Gepard Gm6 Lynx Airsoft Real Steel

Gepard Gm6 Lynx Airsoft Real Steel

« The Gepard GM6 Lynx is a semi-automatic anti-cloth burglarize using Russian 12.7x108 mm ammo. Its purpose is to end or disable targets such every bit light armored vehicles, light shelters and helicopters from 600–800 grand range. Due to its weight and portability, it is good for parachute, airmobile and territorial troops. The barrel recoil technology brings the recoil of the GM6 beneath the recoil of other rifles in the aforementioned category. The weapon is highly authentic and effective upward to a range of 1500 g.

Field Manual

GM6 Lynx mm
GM6 Lynx.png
Faction Icon-side-redfor.png CSAT
Icon-side-greenfor.png AAF
Type Anti-Materiel Sniper Burglarize
Calibre×108 mm Russian
Dispersion 0.00035 rad
Mass 480
Variants None


The GM6 Lynx 12.7 mm sniper rifle.

The GM6 Lynx is a 12.vii mm bullpup anti-materiel sniper rifle used by both the AAF and CSAT forces in ArmA 3.


  • 1 Overview
  • ii Cover-up
  • iii Ammunition
    • 3.1 mm 5Rnd Mag
    • 3.ii 12.vii mm 5Rnd APDS Mag
  • 4 Trivia
  • v Gallery
  • 6 External links
  • 7 Run across also
    • vii.i Weapons of comparable role and configuration


The GM6 Lynx is a semi-automatic, long-recoil operated anti-materiel rifle that is chambered to fire the 12.7×108 mm round.

Information technology loads from 5-round box magazines, and can accomplish a charge per unit of fire of up to 150 rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 820 grand/s. It but has a meridian rail for mounting optical sights and cannot exist fitted with other kinds of accessories or muzzle attachments. It also has a folding bipod stock-still to the centre of the barrel.

A two-man CSAT sniper/picket team prepare to engage targets with the GM6.

The GM6 provides the operator with the power to provide both rapid and accurate sniper burn down from ranges of 1,600 upwardly to a maximum of 2,000 metres.

Unlike its NATO analogue, information technology tin can too exist loaded to fire Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS) ammunition which is highly effective against MRAPs and other lightly-armoured vehicles. Even heavier vehicles with exposed components such as optics or uncovered wheels can exist disabled with this armament.

While it is significantly less accurate than the M320 LRR when information technology comes to long range engagements, the GM6 makes upwardly for it by using the more hard-hitting 12.7 mm round that has better penetration confronting most targets.

However, it should also exist noted that the GM6 is rather bulky to deport and being a sniper rifle, is naturally ill-suited for employ in close quarters gainsay. Its magazines are too slightly heavier to carry while containing two less rounds in comparison to the M320's vii.


  • Greyness: Standard matte grayness paint scheme. Used by AAF snipers.
  • Camo: Arid Hexacam camouflage pattern. Used by Mediterranean CSAT snipers.
  • Green Hex: Tropical Hexacam camouflage design. Used by Pacific CSAT snipers.


Round name Base impairment value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s) Penetration depth (mm)
12.7×108 mm Russian 35 -0.000856 820 34.44
12.7×108 mm APDS sixty -0.00036 ane,060 57.24

The GM6 can exist loaded with two types of magazines. Both have identical "mass" values of sixteen units:

12.7 mm 5Rnd Magazine


Standard-result box magazine. Loaded with 12.7×108 mm Russian rounds.

Does not incorporate whatsoever visible tracer rounds.

12.7 mm 5Rnd APDS Mag


Specialised magazine loaded with armour-piercing 12.vii×108 mm APDS ammunition.

Intended for employ against lightly-armoured basis vehicles and exposed components on armoured fighting vehicles.


  • The GM6 Lynx is based on its real-world analogue of the same name designed past Republic of hungary-based firearms company SERO Engineering Ltd.
  • Initially, the GM6 was but bachelor in a greyness paint finish. The Bootcamp Update added an alternate variant with the Arid Hexacam camouflage scheme, while the Green Hex variant would not be included until the Apex expansion was released.
  • IR Laser Pointer fitted onto the GM6'southward (disabled) side rail.

    The GM6'south model has an unused proxy for mounting side rail accessories.
    • Because the weapon is non configured to do and so by default, however, the user cannot fit laser sights or flashlights onto the weapon despite side rails being depicted on the model itself.
  • It is one of the few weapons in ArmA 3 that is directly referred to past its real-globe manufacturer proper name.
    • This is because representatives from SERO provided Bohemia Interactive'southward developers with CAD data for the GM6, a chance to tape audio samples, to test fire the weapon with live ammunition, and authorisation to use the GM6 equally an in-game asset.


External links

  • Favicon Wikipedia.png Wikipedia: Gepárd anti-materiel rifle

See besides

Weapons of comparable part and configuration

  • M320 LRR (NATO counterpart)
  • AS50 (British Army/ION counterpart, ArmA 2: BAF/ArmA 2: PMC just)
  • KSVK (Russian Armed services/Takistani Army counterpart, ArmA 2/ArmA two: OA only)
Weapons of ArmA iii
Handguns 4-five .45 • ACP-C2 .45 • P07 nine mm • PM 9 mm • Rook-40 ix mm • Starter Pistol x mmSpectrum Device • Zubr .45
Submachine guns ADR-97 five.7 mm • PDW2000 ix mm • Protector 9 mm • Sting 9 mm • Vermin .45
Shotguns Kozlice
Carbines AKU-12 vii.62 mmAKS-74U 5.45 mm • Katiba Carbine 6.5 mm • Mk20C 5.56 mm • MXC 6.5 mm • TRG-twenty 5.56 mm
Assault rifles AK-12 series (AK-12, AK-12 GL) • AKM 7.62 mmCar-95 series (CAR-95, Car-95 GL) • Katiba 6.five mm (Katiba GL) • MX series (MX, MX 3GL) • Mk20 5.56 mm (Mk20 EGLM) • Promet serial (Promet, Promet GL, Promet SG) • SDAR five.56 mm • SPAR-16 series (SPAR-xvi, SPAR-xvi GL) • Type 115 6.v mm • TRG-21 v.56 mm (TRG-21 EGLM)
Designated marksmen rifles ASP-1 Kir 12.7 mmCMR-76 6.5 mmCyrus 9.3 mmMk-I EMR 7.62 mmMk14 seven.62 mm (Archetype) • Mk18 ABR vii.62 mm • MAR-x .338 • MXM 6.5 mm • Promet MR 6.5 mm • Rahim 7.62 mm • SPAR-17 vii.62 mm
Sniper rifles GM6 Lynx mm • M320 LRR .408
Squad automatic weapons Motorcar-95-1 5.viii mmLIM-85 five.56 mm • Mk200 6.five mm • MX SW 6.v mm • RPK-12 7.62 mmSPAR-16S five.56 mm • Zafir 7.62 mm
Automobile guns Navid 9.3 mmSPMG .338
Launchers 9M135 VoronaMAAWS Mk4 • PCML • RPG-7 • RPG-42 • Titan MPRL • Titan MPRL Meaty
Static M2 • Mk6 Mortar • Mk30 • Mk32 • Remote Designator • Static Titan Launcher (AA, AT)
(Parenthesis) announce variants.
Karts DLC | Marksmen DLC | Apex DLC | Tanks DLC | Contact DLC
Arma3-factionicon-csat.png CSAT - Armoury ( ArmA iii )
Handguns Rook-40 ix mm • Zubr .45
Submachine guns Sting 9 mm
Carbines Katiba Carbine half-dozen.5 mm
Assault rifles Car-95 series (CAR-95, Auto-95 GL) • Katiba 6.v mm (Katiba GL) • SDAR 5.56 mm • Type 115 half-dozen.5 mm*
Designated marksman rifles ASP-1 Kir 12.7 mmCMR-76 6.five mmCyrus 9.3 mm • Rahim 7.62 mm
Sniper rifles GM6 Lynx 12.7 mm
Team automatic weapons CAR-95-ane 5.8 mm • Zafir seven.62 mm
Machineguns Navid 9.iii mm
Launchers 9M135 Vorona • RPG-42 • Titan MPRL • Titan MPRL Meaty
Static Mk6 Mortar • Mk30 • Mk32 • Remote Designator • Static Titan Launcher (AA, AT)
(Parenthesis) announce variants.
* denotes weapons exclusive to the Viper sub-faction.
Marksmen DLC | Noon DLC | Tanks DLC
Arma3-factionicon-aaf.png AAF - Armoury ( ArmA three )
Handguns ACP-C2 .45
Submachine guns PDW2000 9 mm
Carbines Mk20C v.56 mm
Assault rifles Mk20 5.56 mm (Mk20 EGLM) • SDAR v.56 mm
Designated marksman rifles Mk18 ABR 7.62 mm
Sniper rifles GM6 Lynx 12.7 mm
Squad automatic weapons Mk200 vi.5 mm
Launchers MAAWS Mk4 Mod 0 • PCML • RPG-42 • Titan MPRL • Titan MPRL Compact
Static M2 • Mk6 Mortar • Mk30 • Mk32 • Static Titan Launcher (AA, AT)
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Apex DLC | Tanks DLC

Gepard Gm6 Lynx Airsoft Real Steel

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